Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Beginning!

Dear friends,

I decided to start my own blog about health and fitness. I would also like to incorporate information on balancing work and life. I can imagine like me most of you work hard all week and by the end of each day we are tired and lacking motivation. I know I do. I think if all of us look deep inside and BELIEVE in ourselves we can work together to accomplish all of are goals and live happier, healthier lifes. This blog is the first step for me to stay on track and to look to my friends for support and to keep me motivated.

I have been active since I was very young. I played every sport you can think of and I have kept my body in good shape over the years. I have read a plethora of self help/nutrition books and have trained in gyms and took many exercise classes from yoga to strength training. I hope what I have learned from all this studying can help inspire you to get up off that couch and get out there and live.

I will write a new blog daily, so come along for the ride with me and follow my blog. Together we can get healthy, have more energy and fit better in our jeans. Sweats so not attractive. :)

On your mark, get set.... and.... go! I see the finish line.

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